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Editorial service

We're more than just a "classic" translation agency. In addition to services covering all aspects of translation, Terber & Partner also offers you an editorial service. Your text isn't as you want it to be yet? We author, shorten or edit manuscripts in any language we offer. Of course, we also ensure the proper layout and format in the process. If necessary, we will structure your text not only with regard to language and content, but also visually. You can use our expertise on all aspects of foreign-language communication, and you will gain valuable time for your main business thanks to our comprehensive support.

Übersetzungsbüro Terber & Partner | Phone: +49 (0) 251 5 20 90 - 0 | e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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We are a member of tekom, the German professional association for technical documentation and communicationtekom

 We are sponsoring partners of the Deutsch-Niederländische KammerPhilharmonie (German-Dutch Chamber Orchestra)