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DTP service

The use of foreign-language texts in DTP programs is subject to special requirements. Not all special characters are processed without difficulties. And this is especially true for all non-Latin fonts. And translations are often longer or shorter than the original text. Terber & Partner offers you comprehensive support for all aspects of prepress phase. We work with the current DTP programs under Windows and MacOS. Our software specialists adjust the format and layout of the translations and ensure optimum management and presentation of a type.

That enables printing production to take place directly following delivery. Our translations are ready for press in every way.

Übersetzungsbüro Terber & Partner | Phone: +49 (0) 251 5 20 90 - 0 | e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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We are a member of tekom, the German professional association for technical documentation and communicationtekom

 We are sponsoring partners of the Deutsch-Niederländische KammerPhilharmonie (German-Dutch Chamber Orchestra)